yourtown Social Enterprises

Research & Evaluation

yourtown believes in the power of learning and work to turn young people's lives around.

A recent Australian Research Council (ARC) project undertaken by Griffith University demonstrated that yourtown’s Social Enterprises is one of the most effective models for improving the employability and work readiness of highly disadvantaged young people.

The study found that of the young people employed in yourtown’s Enterprises:

  • 88% had left school prior to Year 12 and 42% had left school prior to completing Year 10
  • 84% had never had a full-time job
  • 49% came from homes where the main caregiver had never worked
  • 47% lived in a single-parent household
  • 14% had previously been in detention.

Common issues included a history of failure in traditional education and training environments; low literacy/numeracy levels; underdeveloped life, interpersonal and employability skills; lack of work experience; issues related to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression; alcohol and substance abuse problems; lack of stable accommodation; cultural displacement and involvement in anti-social and offending behaviour.

The longitudinal research project confirmed that the majority of these young people were able to achieve major improvements in their social, employability and vocational skills while employed in the enterprises.  They also acquired self-confidence and improved their future outlook, while decreasing their dependence on drugs and alcohol and their involvement in anti-social and criminal activities.

73% of young people obtained a job or vocational training place immediately after exiting Enterprise employment. 89% retained their employment for at least 13 weeks and 80% were still in employment after 26 weeks.

The success rates for young Aboriginal people were particularly positive. 60% obtained an employment or education outcome after exiting the Enterprises, with 91% retaining employment for a minimum of 13 weeks.

For these young people, work was not just an outcome - it was part of a life-changing process.


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