Brandan's Story...

By: yourtown 29 Apr 2016 Case Studies

He looks forward to Wednesday’s…and that’s awesome!


Celebrations don’t come along enough, not when it comes to the achievements of young people. Today we’re celebrating the continuing journey of a young man named Brandan, who through hard work and perseverance is on his way to a brighter future.

I look forward to Wednesday’s because I like coming to yourtown - Brandan.

Heavy weight on young shoulders…

Brandan left school and admits that he was feeling isolated and seldom did anything outside the home. He felt “responsible” for being at home to support his father who had recently been released from prison. Stressful emotions and the weight of responsibility were overwhelming Brandan and he felt depressed. His whole family was under strain and he felt unable to return to school.

Brandan’s first step…

The path to Brandan’s brighter future began when he found the courage to visit his local yourtown office. He came to us seeking options, support and guidance. We made the time to listen and understand. He became an active participant in our Youth Education and Re-engagement programs and built strong relationships with our team.

We’re really proud of Brandan for his courage and commitment to building his future – yourtown, Youth Worker.

The future looks bright…

Brandan is committed to making progress and has been working with yourtown face-to-face counsellors to help him understand himself and build his confidence. We asked him what he thought of counselling…

It has helped me figure out why I think the way I do. I really like the chance to talk to someone.  – Brandan.

Brandan now feels better equipped to take on challenges and build his future. He has a healthy relationship with his dad and is making time to reconnect with his friends. His goal is to finish school via adult education and we’re looking forward to celebrating further progress.

Brandan really is moving his life forward, one step at a time. Each step worth celebrating! He’s a strong and dedicated young man who isn't afraid to ask for (and accept) support. Brandan is an inspiration and we’re proud to be part of his journey.

You can help us be there for more young people…

At yourtown, we are tackling the issues young people have. We continue to be part of the solution and provide services that young people can access to find jobs, learn skills and live safer, happier lives.

We’re a community funded organisation and need your help to be there for more young people like Brandan. Donations are tax deductible and every dollar counts. Make a donation today.

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