Bright future ahead

By: yourtown 27 Jan 2015 BoysTown

BoysTown is one of the pioneers of work-based social enterprises in Australia, we've provided 3,000 young people with paid work experience and training since 1999.


Working with BoysTown is not just an outcome - it is part of a life changing process for these young people.

Young people like Clark*

Clark was very quiet and had little confidence when he first came to BoysTown. After completing a Certificate II Skills for Work and Training, his confidence grew and he started setting more goals. He joined our recycling enterprise. All went well until he hit a difficult patch in his personal life. He stopped turning up, stopped participating.

But we never give up at BoysTown. We remained in contact with Clark and then the perfect program became available – a Pre-Employment Construction program. Clark flourished and he obtained a Certifcate II in Construction. Even better he nailed his first ever job interview and is working with a manufacturing company.

Clark is now financially independent and has a bright future ahead.

At BoysTown we persevere and stand by young people like Clark as they change their lives and achieve their dreams.

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#BoysTown AU

*Name changed for privacy

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