Creating positive futures

By: yourtown 08 Jan 2015 BoysTown

Working towards improving the lives of others is what BoysTown does. It is the reason we exist.


Lily* joined our Indigenous Youth Careers Pathways (IYCP) Program in June 2013 because she was struggling at school.

IYCP aims to inspire and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students to finish their education and make the transition to further education or work.

By July 2013 Lily had a school based traineeship, and with support from BoysTown every step of the way, she successfully completed it last year. She is now back at school full time and readying to finish Year 12.

Much to our delight, she was voted by her peers as School Captain and she let us know she hopes to work in the community sector helping young people when she graduates!

We will continue to stand by Lily as she changes her life and achieves her dreams.

Last year BoysTown helped 623 Aboriginal and Torres Strait people through our specialised Indigenous Training and Support Programs.

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*Name changed for privacy.

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