Breaking the unemployment cycle

By: yourtown 18 Mar 2014 BoysTown

Almost three quarters of young people employed by BoysTown Enterprises find a job or go onto further vocational training or education.


Phillip had been unemployed for five years before joining the BoysTown Enterprises recycling program. At BoysTown, Phillip learnt what was expected in the workplace, in a supportive environment and developed the skills and the self-confidence required to make the leap into employment.

Phillip is now working as a cold stores person at Foodbank and has further improved his skills with a first aid certificate, food handling licence and is aiming to get his truck licence with their support.

I love coming to work and working hard. Every day I feel rewarded because I have done something instead of just sitting around doing nothing. Phillip

Phillip can now support his mother, partner and child who mean the world to him - this job has enabled him to provide for his family.

More importantly it has given him self-confidence and the knowledge that he has the ability to achieve his dreams.

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