Young people need skills to increase their employment options and to make a successful transition from school to work.

Through the Skilling Queenslanders for Work programs, we offer training and support for unemployed or underemployed young people.

We’re committed to increasing workforce participation, driving job growth and improving work opportunities for young Queenslanders.

This service is for:
Children and Young PeopleSchools
It helps with:

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Gain the skills to get a job

Working with qualified professionals and volunteers, you’ll gain the foundation skills necessary to get involved in the workforce and your local community.

This training is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government through its Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative.

We deliver these programs as part of Skilling Queenslanders for Work:


Work Skills Traineeships

Our unique, entry-level traineeships support you to develop the skills, confidence and experience to compete in the job market. You’re supported by counselling and learning activities to prepare for a successful transition to work at the conclusion of the traineeship.

Available to: 15-25 year olds

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