yourtown Social Enterprises

Landscaping & Horticulture

yourtown Grounds Maintenance Services deliver responsive grounds maintenance services including grass cutting, vegetation management, graffiti removal, litter collection and outdoor cleaning services.

Established in 2002, customers include Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and Redland City Councils (QLD), Blacktown and Parramatta Councils (NSW), Playford City and Southern Flinders Regional Councils (SA), Renewal SA,  the NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Transfield, Broadspectrum and a range of community and aged care organisations, as well as sporting and recreation facilities.

Our Green Enterprises deliver environmental regeneration and urban renewal projects including weed clearing, re-vegetation, tree planting, irrigation and streetscaping, and bush regeneration projects.  Established in 2010, customers include various councils and community organisations in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia.

yourtown has also rehabilitated bushland, undertaken flood restoration works and created community parklands.

Our Customers & Partners
BroadspectrumMarrickville City Council NSW
City of Tea Tree GullyRenewal SA
Education QueenslandRSPCA
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