yourtown Social Enterprises

Workplace Health & Safety

yourtown's workplace health & safety (WHS) management system is based on the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand AS Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

We also have an extensive range of WHS systems, guidelines and procedures and a dedicated and fully qualified WHS Manager to ensure legislative and contractual compliance.

yourtown gives the highest priority to ensuring safety on site for all of our staff and the young people we employ in the Enterprises. Our workplace supervisors rigorously monitor compliance with regulations, codes and other applicable industry standards. Key elements in the process include the establishment of a project specific safety plan and safe work method statements. There is a risk assessment of all activities prior to commencement on site, with review when significant changes occur to the site.

Supervisors ensure that relevant checklists and registers are completed, training registers are maintained, and formal weekly safety inspections are carried out and recorded, with reports forwarded to yourtown's dedicated WHS Manager. Safety audits are conducted at regular intervals during the project.


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